Flat Earth blunder: Couple arrested while travelling to edge of earth


There are several flat earthers who believe that the earth is flat, and not spherical in shape. According to these conspiracy theorists, NASA has been intentionally misleading the public for several years by saying the earth is a globe. These conspiracy theorists also argue that there is a giant wall of snow On the boundaries of the earth, and this barrier is allowing people to live safely on earth without falling to the mysterious depth.

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And now, a couple has been arrested as they set off on a journey to see the edge of planet earth. According to news report published in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, the couple hail from Venetia. They performed the daring act of travelling to the edge of the world during the lockdown period in Italy. However, the incident came to light when a news report was published on Corriere della Sera.


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The Italian couple believed that Lampedusa in Southern Sicily is the edge of the world. In order to purchase a boat for their trip, they sold their car and set out to see the giant ice wall that protects the earth.


But the couple lost their way, and ended up on the island of Ustica. Upon questioning the couple revealed that they are flat earthers who are determined to debunk the globe earth theory. Surprisingly, the couple was using a compass that works on terrestrial magnetism. It should be noted that flat earthers have several times criticised the principle of terrestrial magnetism, as their theory will fall flat if compasses are right.

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Later, authorities asked them to stay in quarantine for 15 days in their boat. When the couple tried to escape, authorities gave them permission to travel to their homeland by train.